7. Notes on aftercare
Various topics will accompany you even after you leave. We are happy to give you an overview and are there for you if you have any questions or uncertainties.
It is important that you contact us if any of the described signs occur:
– Fever above 38 degrees and/or chills
– Repeated vomiting
– Increasing pain
– Reddened or oozing wounds.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other uncertainties.
Physical activity
In the first few weeks after the operation you will still feel tired. Nevertheless, try to stay active and go for short walks. Sport and physical exertion should be kept within the pain threshold. You can also seek physiotherapeutic support.
Taking painkillers
You will probably still need painkillers after your hospital stay, which we will give you. You may reduce the pain medication or take it only when needed.
Wound care
Your surgery wound will either be closed with dissolving sutures or staples. The staples will be removed 14 days after the surgery while you are still in hospital or by your family doctor after you have been discharged. You are free to shower as usual. Do not take baths any sooner than 14 days later. The surgical wound does not usually need to be covered.
A call from the nurse practitioner
Around a week after you have returned home, your treatment specialist will call you on the phone. They will ask you about your general state of being, pain situation, wound healing and diet. You can take this opportunity to ask any questions you have.
The right nutrition
For several weeks after the surgery you will probably not be able to eat and digest foods as usual. Try to eat several smaller portions spread out throughout the day.
Our nutritionist will be happy to answer any questions. If needed, we offer personalised outpatient care. With a doctor’s referral, basic insurance will cover up to six outpatient visits with the nutritionist.