Pankreas Klinik Schweiz

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c.
Peter Schemmer

Chirurgo della Clinica del Pancreas Svizzera

Expertise of Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Peter Schemmer

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Peter Schemmer is internationally well recognized for his great surgical expertise. He has devoted himself to surgical oncology of the abdominal organs. While he performs general, endocrine, upper and lower gastrointestinal surgery his special interest is hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery for diseases of both the liver and the pancreas. Especially in this field he developed surgical procedures that are used worldwide. He prioritiezes modern minimal invasive (laparoscopic, robotic assisted) procedures if applicable. To date he performed more than 7.300 mostly highly complex operations.

He has been awared several honorary professorships and doctorates worldwide for both his clinical and scientific impact. Prof. Schemmer has co-authored more than 750 publications and has been cited more than 18.000 times.  

Qualifications and specialisations

Since 2016

Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS)  


Surgical Intensive Care Medicine (Board certified)  


Visceral Surgeon (Board certified)  


Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification (Habilitation, Ph.D. equivalent), Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany  


General Surgeon (Board certified)  

1996 – 1998

Fellowship, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA  


Doctorate in Medicine (Dr. med.), Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany  


Medical License, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany  

1988 – 1994

Study of Medicine (Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany; Memorial University of Newfoundland; Canada, Ohio State University, USA)  

Medical practice

Since 2023

Leading Surgeon, Pancreas Clinic Switzerland

Leading Surgeon, Bern Visceral Surgery

Hirslanden Clinic Beau-Site, Bern  

Since 2019

Head and owner of the Practice for General and Viszeral Surgery, Graz, Austria  

Since 2019

Medical Counsellor, Shulan (Hangzhou) Hospital, People’s Republic of China  

2019 – 2022

Surgical instructor and consultant for both liver and pancreatic surgery, Department of Surgery, State Hospital Hochsteiermark, Leoben, Austria  

2016 – 2023

Department of Surgery, State Hospital – University Hospital Graz, Medical University Graz, Austria

Full Professor of Surgery

Chairman, Division of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery

Chairman, Division of Transplant Surgery  


Chairman, Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Barmherzige Schwestern Hospital, Linz, Austria  

1994 – 2016

Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany

2013 – 2016     
Vice Chairman

2012 – 2016     
Executive / Managing Senior Physician

2011 – 2016     
Head of Section, Transplant Surgery (kidney, pancreas, liver)

2010 – 2016     
Head of Section, Liver Surgery

2007 – 2012     
First Attending

2003 – 2006     

1994 – 2003     
Surgical Resident  

In offices and boards of directors

Since 2021

World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery

2019 – 2021

Scientific Society of Styrian Physicians
Vice President (2019 – 2020), President (2020 – 2021)  

Since 2018

Annals of Medicine and Surgery
Assistant Editor  


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

2017 – 2024

Austrian Society of Surgical Research
Scientific Committee  

Since 2017

German Academy for Transplantation Medicine
Board Member  

Since 2017

European Surgery – Acta Chirurgica Austriaca
Section Editor  

2016 – 2023

Austrian Transplantation Society
Extended board of directors  

2016 – 2018

The Japanese-German Society for the Study of Liver Surgery

Since 2016

Istanbul Gastrointestinal Surgery Society
Honorary member  

Since 2015

Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery
Associate Editor  

2015 – 2023

Medical Advisor in ministries

Austrian Federal Institute of Health
Transplant Advisory Board (2017 – 2023)

German Ministry of Health
Deployed by the German Society of Surgery (2015 – 2016)  

Since 2012

Lithuanian Association of Transplantologists
Honorary Member  

2012 – 2022

German Society of Surgery

Priority Funding
Spokesperson / Coordinator (2012 – 2016)

Creation of the S3 guideline liver transplantation
Representative of the German Society of Surgery and the German Society of General and Visceral Surgery (2016 – 2022)  

2012 – 2016

Liver Cancer Center Heidelberg (LCCH)
Member of the governing body  

2013 – 2023

German Transplantation Society (DTG)
Member of the extended board and commission chairman  

2011 – 2023

Federal Advisory Board of the German Organ Transplantation Foundation (DSO)
Representative of the German Transplantation Society  

2011 – 2022

German Society of General and Visceral Surgery (DGAV)

Surgical Working Group Transplantation
Chairman (2011 – 2018)

Creation of the liver transplant guideline
Elected official (2016 – 2022)

Delphi process for guidelines in liver transplantation
Appointed expert (2021 – 2022)

Since 2008

Reviewer for research funding organizations

German Research Foundation (DFG), Bonn, Germany

Institut National du Cancer, Paris, France

Medical Research Council / UK Research & Innovation, London, United Kingdom

Else Kröner-Fresenius-Foundation, Bad Homburg, Germany

Research Foundation - Flanders, Brussels, Belgium

Wilhelm Sander-Foundation, Munich, Germany

B. Braun Foundation, Melsungen, Germany

German Cancer Aid, Bonn, Germany

Bavarian Research Foundation, Munich

National Science Centre, Krakow, Poland

Czech Health Research Agency, Prague, Czech Republic

Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development, Den Haag, The Netherlands

Swiss National Science Foundation, Division of Biology and Medicine, Bern, Switzerland

Italian Ministry of University and Research, Rome, Italy

Honorary professorships


Zhejiang University, Huzhou, People’s Republic of China
Prof. hon.  


Dalian Medical University, People’s Republic of China
Visiting Professor (2017 – 2020)  


Yamanashi Medical University, Japan
Visiting Professor (2001)  

Honorary doctorate


Doctor Honoris Causa, Universitas Vilnensis, Lithuania
Awared for “outstanding research achievement in the fields of surgical oncology and visceral transplantology” 


2016 – 2023

Full Professor, Medical University Graz, Austria  

2019 – 2023

Professor of Partnership, Universitas Vilnensis, Lithuania  

Since 2007

Associate Professor, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany  

Scientific publications

Number of publications

> 750  

Number of citations

> 18.000  




Exemplary; see also


Butkutė A., Jurkšas T., Baravykas T., Leber B., Merkininkaitė G., Žilėnaitė R., Čereška D., Gulla A., Kvietkauskas M., Marcinkevičiūtė K., Schemmer P., Strupas K. Combined femtosecond laser glass microprocessing for liver-on-chip device fabrication. Materials (Basel). 2023; 16(6): 2174

Jakubauskas M., Jakubauskiene L., Leber B., Horvath A., Strupas K., Stiegler P., Schemmer P. Probiotic supplementation attenuates chemotherapy-induced intestinal mucositis in an experimental colorectal cancer liver metastasis model. Nutrients 2023; 15(5): 1117

Jakubauskas M., Jakubauskiene L., Leber B., Horvath A., Strupas K., Stiegler P, Schemmer P. Probiotic supplementation suppresses tumor growth in an experimental colorectal cancer liver metastasis model. Int J Mol Sci 2022; 23(14): 7674

Čižauskaitė A., Šimčikas D., Schultze D., Kallifatidis G., Bruns H., Čekauskas A., Herr I., Baušys A., Strupas K., Schemmer P. Sulforaphane has an additive anticancer effect to FOLFOX in highly metastatic human colon carcinoma cells. Oncol Rep 2022; 48(5): 205

Wagner D., Haybaeck J., Wienerroither V., Bajric T., Tomberger A., Schemmer P., Mischinger H.J., Kornprat P. Platelet to lymphocyte ratio correlates with carcinoma progression in pancreatic intra epithelial neoplasia. Anticancer Res 2022; 42(3): 1413-1419

Kvietkauskas M., Zitkute V., Leber B., Strupas K., Stiegler P., Schemmer P. Dietary melatonin and glycine decrease tumor growth through antiangiogenic activity in experimental colorectal liver metastasis. Nutrients 2021; 13(6): 2035

Lozanovski V.J., Polychronidis G., Gross W., Gharabaghi N., Mehrabi A., Hackert T., Schemmer P.*, Herr I.* Broccoli sprout supplementation in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer is difficult despite positive effects-results from the POUDER pilot study. Invest New Drugs 2020; 38(3): 776-784; * shared senior author ship

Kniepeiss D., Talakić E., Schemmer P. Echinococcus granulosus: A novel parenchymal sparing surgical treatment. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int 2020; S1499-3872(20)30033-3. doi: 10.1016/j.hbpd.2020.02.003

Houben P., Hinz U., Knebel P., Diener M.K., Mehrabi A., Schemmer P. Randomized controlled trial on Pringle maneuver to reduce blood loss during stapler hepatectomy - PriMal StHep. BMC Surg 2019; 19(1): 60

Maneikyte J., Bausys A., Leber B., Horvath A., Feldbacher N., Hoefler G., Strupas K., Stiegler P., Schemmer P. Dietary glycine decreases both tumor volume and vascularization in a combined colorectal liver metastasis and chemotherapy model. Int J Biol Sci 2019; 15(5): 1582-1590

Al-Saeedi M., Nickkholgh A., Schultze D., Flechtenmacher C., Zorn M., Liang R., Gutt C.N., Schemmer P. Glycine protects the liver from reperfusion injury following pneumoperitoneum. Eur Surg Res 2018; 59(1-2): 91-99

Görtz M., Galli U., Longerich T., Zöller M., Erb U., Schemmer P. De novo synthesis of C4.4A in hepatocellular carcinoma promotes migration and invasion of tumor cells. Oncol Rep 2017; 38(5): 2697-2704

Račkauskas R., Zhou D., Ūselis S., Strupas K., Herr I., Schemmer P. Sulforaphane sensitizes human cholangiocarcinoma to cisplatin via the downregulation of anti-apoptotic proteins. Oncol Rep 2017; 37(6): 3660-3666

Lin S., Hoffmann K., Gao C., Petrulionis M., Herr I., Schemmer P. Melatonin promotes sorafenib-induced apoptosis through synergistic activation of JNK/c-jun pathway in human hepatocellular carcinoma. J Pineal Res 2017; 62(3). doi: 10.1111/jpi.12398

Bruns H., Kazanavicius D., Schultze D., Saeedi M.A., Yamanaka K., Strupas K., Schemmer P. Glycine inhibits angiogenesis in colorectal cancer: role of endothelial cells. Amino Acids 2016; 48(11): 2549-2558

Hoffmann K., Bulut S., Tekbas A., Hinz U., Büchler M.W., Schemmer P. Is hepatic resection for non-colorectal non-neuroendocrine liver metastases justified? Ann Surg Oncol 2015; 22(Suppl 3): 1083-1092

Kremer M., Manzini G., Hristov B., Polychronidis G., Mokry T., Sommer C.M., Mehrabi A., Weitz J., Büchler M.W., Schemmer P. Impact of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on hypertrophy of the future liver remnant after ALPPS. J Am Coll Surg 2015; 221(3): 717-728

Hoffmann K., Luible S., Goeppert B., Hinz U., Büchler M.W., Schemmer P. Impact of portal vein resection on oncological long-term outcome in patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Surgery 2015; 158(5): 1252-1260

Hoffmann K., Müller-Bütow V., Franz C., Hinz U., Longerich T., Büchler M.W., Schemmer P. Factors predictive of survival after stapler hepatectomy of hepatocellular carcinoma: a multivariate, single-center analysis. Anticancer Res 2014; 34(2): 767-776

Bruns H., Petrulionis M., Schultze D., Al Saeedi M., Lin S., Yamanaka K., Ambrazevičius M., Strupas K., Schemmer P. Glycine inhibits angiogenic signaling in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Amino Acids 2014; 46(4): 969-976

Hackert T., Lozanovski V.J., Werner J., Büchler M.W., Schemmer P. Teres hepatis ligament flap plasty to prevent pancreatic fistula after tumor enucleation. J Am Coll Surg 2013; 217(4): e29-34

Nickkholgh A., Schneider H., Sobirey M., Venetz W.P., Hinz U., Pelzl H., Gotthardt D.N., Cekauskas A., Manikas M., Mikalauskas S., Mikalauskene L., Bruns H., Zorn M., Weigand M.A., Büchler M.W., Schemmer P. The use of high-dose melatonin in liver resection is safe: first clinical experience. J Pineal Res 2011; 50(4): 381-388

Ceyhan G.O., Timm A.K., Bergmann F., Günther A., Aghdassi A.A., Demir I.E., Mayerle J., Kern M., Lerch M.M., Büchler M.W., Friess H., Schemmer P. Prophylactic glycine administration attenuates pancreatic damage and inflammation in experimental acute pancreatitis. Pancreatology 2011; 11(1): 57-6

Mikalauskas S., Mikalauskiene L., Bruns H., Nickkholgh A., Hoffmann K., Longerich T., Strupas K., Büchler M.W., Schemmer P. Dietary glycine protects from chemotherapy-induced hepatotoxicity. Amino Acids 2011; 40(4): 1139-11507

Schemmer P., Schultze D.P., Contin P., Seiler C.M., Seitz H.K., Weitz J., Büchler M.W. Antireflux jejunoplasty for recurrent cholangitis. J Am Coll Surg 2011; 212(5): e28-32wa

Bruns H., Krätschmer K., Hinz U., Brechtel A., Keller M., Büchler M.W., Schemmer P. Quality of life after curative liver resection: A single center analysis. World J Gastroenterol 2010; 16(19): 2388-2395

Hoffmann K., Franz C., Hinz U., Schirmacher P., Herfarth C., Eichbaum M., Büchler M.W., Schemmer P. Liver resection for multimodal treatment of breast cancer metastases: identification of prognostic factors. Ann Surg Oncol 2010; 17(6): 1546-1554

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Enquiries and contact

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Peter Schemmer and his team look forward to welcoming you to the Pancreas Clinic Switzerland. If you are unsure about our services or have any other questions, we are at your disposal: Get in touch.  

Lic. phil. Nathalie Weber, our clinic manager, will be happy to help you!

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